Verizon expands its limits within their Pay it Forward streaming service to offer live music. The new service is known as Pay it Forward LIVE, a weekly streaming service that benefits local communities by sharing ways to boost support of small businesses. Every Tuesday and Thursday you can tune in via Verizon’s socials-Twitter, Yahoo or Twitch accounts. For every viewer that joins you can add the hashtag #PayitForwardLIVE and Verizon will donate up to $2.5 million towards small businesses effected by Covid-19.
So many of us have been affected by the COVID-19 virus, and now more than ever we need to stand together and help each other. I’m proud to be teaming up with Verizon & Nate Hill to help small businesses. As a musician a lot of my business is supported by the men and women in local communities and their businesses who help bring shows and festivals to life and who are now out of work for an unknown amount of time. Let’s Pay It Forward and help them now!
FaZe Clan member Nate Hill, brought his childhood dreams of being an eSports player to life. From the release of the popular 90’s game Road Rash to Fortnite, Nate made a lasting impression and was quickly signed to FaZe Clan-professional eSports and entertainment organization out of LA. He co-hosted his first streaming service with Pay it Forward LIVE alongside Marshmello at the end of March. The event lasted about 45 minutes and provided the viewers with small business themed in-game experiences to remind everyone to support local businesses using the previously mentioned hashtag.
The COVID-19 virus has taken a toll on many of us, small businesses especially. I am proud FaZe Clan is teaming up with Verizon to help small businesses in need. As a gamer, I rely on these companies like local restaurants for food every day. I am honored to take part in the Pay It Forward initiative alongside Marshmello and help those in need.-Nate Hill
It’s definitely not the first time Marshmello has come across Fortnite… Last year they had their best turnout of 10.7 million players show up for a Marshmello concert within the game. Name another eSports organization to throw a major PR stunt this effective…
It’s highly doubtful this is the last of Marshmello being seen on within the eSports community… You can keep up with the guys on social media-Marshmello @marshmellomusic, Nate Hill @natehilltv and FaZe Clan @fazeclan.